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How to Open a Gym 101: Increase Your Gym Membership & Retention

How to Open a Gym 101: Increase Your Gym Membership & Retention

Posted by Ardent Fitness on Jul 28th 2023

Physical fitness isn't just a trend; it's a lifestyle. More people than ever are looking to get in shape and stay in shape. As a gym owner, you know the rewarding feeling of watching your clients transform their lives through fitness. But standing out in the crowded fitness industry can be a challenge. With in-home workout programs and outdoor fitness trends on the rise, increasing membership and retaining current members can seem like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops.

So, how do you make your gym the go-to fitness hub and nurture a loyal membership base? This article delves into some of the most effective ways to grow your gym membership and maintain an impressive retention rate.

Fitness Classes

Sweatin' Together: The Power of Group Exercises

Research group TRP discovered in a recent survey that gym members are more likely to stick around if they're sweating it out with others. According to this study: 

Gym-goers who engage in group exercises are about one-third less likely to cancel their memberships.

So, why not help your clients spice up their workout routines with some interactive sessions? Group-centric activities such as step aerobics, Zumba, or spinning classes can create a sense of community, which often fosters loyalty. Read more about how to grow your fitness classes here.

Goal-Driven Members: Lend A Hand

Every gym-goer has a goal. Whether it's to lose weight, pack on muscle, or even find new friends, gyms offer more than just a place to break a sweat. By recognizing these varied aspirations and designing programs tailored to them, you can significantly reduce membership cancellations. Studies show:

Friendships forged at the gym can lower cancellation rates by up to 40 percent.

So, bring on social exercises like racquetball, tennis, or even a dance class to make those social connections thrive.

Up Your Interaction Game: Training Staff to Engage with Members

Believe it or not, your gym's fitness experts and front desk staff play an enormous role in member retention. The same TRP study revealed that:

Over 87 percent of members value interaction with the gym's staff. 

Personal rapport can make a big difference in a member's experience. Training your staff to engage with members on a personal level could potentially double your retention rates. A smile, a friendly greeting, or a casual chat about the latest protein shake recipe can go a long way in making your gym members feel welcome.

Keep Wait Times to a Minimum

Nothing irritates gym-goers more than having to wait their turn to use the equipment. According to TRP's study:

Frequently waiting for a machine makes members 50 percent more likely to cancel their memberships.

If budget constraints prevent you from purchasing more machines, consider introducing alternative exercises that can be performed without equipment or while waiting.

Gym Membership

Show You Care: Regular Assessments and Training Sessions

Creating a sense of belonging and showing genuine interest in your members' fitness journey can be a game-changer for retention. Regular fitness assessments and training sessions can offer you a chance to build rapport with members and show them that you care about their fitness goals.

Fit into Their Schedules: Offering Flexible Hours

To cater to different lifestyles and schedules, ensure your gym offers flexible hours. For example, if you notice a lot of your members are working professionals, consider offering early morning or late-night hours. Alternatively, for those members who work non-traditional hours, ensure your gym is open and staffed during the mid-day.

Find Your Tribe: Market to the Right Demographic

Know your audience. Statistics show that gym members aged 35 and older exhibit 50 percent lower cancellation rates during the first eight months of membership than their younger counterparts. If your gym caters primarily to younger demographics, you might want to tweak your marketing tactics to appeal to the older, more committed crowd. But remember, fitness has no age limit.

Sweatin' Clean: The Relevance of Cleanliness and Maintenance 

Maintaining a sparkling clean gym is not just about aesthetics; it also speaks volumes about your commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for your members. A clean gym can significantly affect your clients' satisfaction level, and more importantly, their decision to continue their memberships.

While regular cleaning tasks like sweeping, mopping, and wiping down equipment with wipes are important, deep cleaning and maintenance should be part of your routine as well. This includes having regular inspections and servicing for machines, ensuring that air vents and filters are clean, and addressing any plumbing or structural issues promptly. Remember, a broken machine or a leaky faucet can send a message that you don't care about your members' health and safety or the quality of their experience.


What are the best ways to increase membership in my gym?

Offer group exercises: Group sessions are more engaging and fun, which helps with both the acquisition and retention of members. 

Provide attainable fitness programs: Offer programs that cater to your client’s fitness goals to keep them motivated and loyal. 

Train your staff to interact more: A friendly and engaging staff can be a decisive factor for membership retention.

How can I reduce the chances of my gym members canceling their memberships? 

Keep wait times for equipment low: Ensure you have enough equipment and space to cater to peak gym-going hours.

Maintain regular fitness assessments and training sessions: Show your members that you care about their progress.

Provide flexible scheduling: Adapt your gym hours to suit different work schedules. 

How should I market my gym to increase membership?

Target the right demographic: Market primarily to those aged 35 and older who tend to have lower membership cancellation rates.

Building a solid membership base and maintaining strong retention rates are key to your gym's survival and growth. By focusing on your members' specific needs, promoting group exercises, training staff to interact effectively, and ensuring flexible scheduling, you can make your gym a beacon for fitness enthusiasts and a solid competitor in the marketplace. Ardent Fitness is here to help you reach your goals, contact us for help with gym equipment and more!

To read the full report on Member Loyalty from Dr Melvyn Hillsdon and The Retention People click here.

Our series, How To Open A Gym 101, looks at different topics on gym ownership: how to budgethow to grow your fitness classes, and strategies to boost profitability and much more. The team at Ardent Fitness stands ready to help you achieve your goals, no matter the size of the fitness space you're dreaming of creating.