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How Multifamily Housing Can Create A Community with Fitness Centers

How Multifamily Housing Can Create A Community with Fitness Centers

Posted by Ardent Fitness on Sep 25th 2023

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of community has evolved. No longer is it just about knowing your next-door neighbor or attending local gatherings. Modern communities are about shared interests, convenience, and fostering a sense of belonging. One of the most significant trends in multifamily housing is the integration of fitness centers. How can a fitness center help in creating a community? Let's dive in.

Shared Interests and Goals

A fitness center is not just a place to work out; it's a hub for people with similar health and fitness goals. A recent survey found that 47% of renters are interested in their apartment building having a gym, and 28% say that not having a gym is a deal breaker. When residents see familiar faces during their daily or weekly workouts, it fosters a sense of camaraderie. Over time, these repeated interactions can lead to friendships and a supportive community where residents motivate and encourage each other.  Ardent Fitness can provide a wide range of fitness equipment that caters to various fitness levels and interests, such as weightlifting, cardio, and interactive training - from treadmills to weights, they've got it covered.

Fitness Centers for Community

Organized Fitness Classes

Offering group fitness classes can be a game-changer. 

The NMHC/Kingsley Associates Resident Preferences Report found that 55% of respondents ranked an on-site fitness center among the top five community amenities, indicating its essential role in increasing resident satisfaction and community engagement.

Whether it's yoga, Pilates, spinning, or Zumba, group classes provide an opportunity for residents to interact, learn together, and even have fun. These classes can become social events that residents look forward to, further strengthening community bonds. Ardent Fitness offers all types of equipment to cater to your community needs, from stability balls to exercise mats.


Social Events and Challenges

Organizing monthly fitness challenges or events can be a great way to engage the community. Whether it's a step challenge, a weight loss competition, or a fun run, these events can bring residents together, fostering a sense of achievement and unity.

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Modern fitness centers in multifamily housing can go beyond just gym equipment. Ardent Fitness can help you create spaces that cater to a broader range of interests. Consider adding a wellness room for meditation, a juice bar, or even a spa area. These additions cater to a broader range of interests and can attract different groups of residents, promoting diverse interactions and community building.

Modern Fitness Centers

Safety and Convenience

Having a fitness center within the housing complex means residents don't have to travel far, especially during late hours. This convenience not only encourages more people to use the facility but also ensures safety, a factor that can be a significant concern, especially in larger cities. Ardent Fitness also offers cleaning supplies and equipment maintenance servicing that help ensure a clean and well-functioning fitness center, enhancing the safety and hygiene of the space.

Community Boards and Digital Platforms

Consider having a community board in the fitness center where residents can post notices, share fitness tips, or even advertise personal training services. Additionally, creating a digital platform or using the  Wexer Virtual Fitness Training for the housing community can facilitate discussions, class bookings, provide virtual classes, and event notifications.

Wexer Virtual Training

Children and Elderly Programs

Fitness is not just for the young and active. Offering programs tailored for children and the elderly can be a fantastic way to include all age groups in the community. From kids' gymnastics to senior aerobics, these programs can be both inclusive and beneficial.

Kids Fitness

The integration of fitness centers in multifamily housing is not just a trend; it's a reflection of the evolving needs of modern communities. By fostering shared interests, providing diverse programs, and ensuring safety and convenience, fitness centers can play a pivotal role in creating a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community. So, the next time you're looking for a new place to live, consider the benefits of having a community fitness center right at your doorstep. Let the team at Ardent Fitness help you create the just-right fitness center for your multifamily housing facility, from layout and design to equipment installation and servicing.